Transforming Ideas into Products

We specialize in engineering design services, helping turn concepts into manufacturable solutions produced at the lowest cost.

woman in black shirt holding green and blue plastic toy
woman in black shirt holding green and blue plastic toy

Expert Engineering Design for Cost-Effective Manufacturing

Our Services

woman in black shirt holding green and blue plastic toy
woman in black shirt holding green and blue plastic toy
Design Optimization

We help improve designs for manufacture, optimizing them for cost-effective production.

woman in white shirt writing on white paper
woman in white shirt writing on white paper
Fabrication Support

We provide engineering support to fabrication and machine shops, ensuring accurate and efficient manufacturing processes.

person holding white printer paper
person holding white printer paper
woman in white shirt writing on white paper
woman in white shirt writing on white paper
Concept to Reality

From rough designs and ideas, we transform concepts into fully engineered solutions ready for production.

Client Satisfaction

We prioritize client satisfaction by delivering high-quality engineering services that meet their specific needs.

At 1185 Engineering, we are a leading engineering design services firm based in Ohio. With our expertise, we provide innovative solutions that help our clients bring their ideas to life. Our focus is on transforming concepts and rough designs into fully engineered solutions that can be manufactured at the lowest cost. We specialize in design optimization, assisting clients in improving their designs for cost-effective production. Additionally, we offer fabrication support, working closely with fabrication and machine shops to provide engineering services that meet their customers' needs. With our commitment to client satisfaction, we aim to deliver high-quality engineering services that exceed expectations.

Contact Us

For inquiries or to discuss your engineering design needs, please reach out to us.